Cancer is one of the leading causes of death for both men and women. However, there are some cancers that frequent most commonly among women. The reasons for this vary from cancer to cancer. It is yet to establish the reason behind this. There are women in India, who still do not have access to the proper medical care through which the early diagnosis of the cancer is possible. Let us read through the most common cancers among women.
Breast cancer

HPV or Human Papilloma Virus causes cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among the Indian women. However, the diagnosis of cervical cancer, particularly among the rural women, unfortunately, happens at the later stages.Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers among Indian women which accounts for 10% - 12% of the new cancer cases diagnosed each year. However, its awareness is rather appallingly limited. Women who have crossed the age of 30 are recommended to get screened once in every 5 years for the early detection.
Stomach Cancer
Stomach cancer is another common cancer among the Indian women. According to the survey reports in 2013, 14- 16% of the cancer cases attributed to the stomach cancer in India. The stomach cancer is likely to show lethal effects due to late diagnosis. It is very important to consult the doctors and discuss if you find something out of routine.
Oral Cancer
There is a huge disparity between the number oral cancers in the world and in India. Indian women are more frequently diagnosed with the oral cancers compared to the women who are from the other nationalities. Oral cancer among the women in India accounts for 3% of the all the cancers diagnosed annually.
Though the numbers of the mortality rate of cancer diagnosed have gone up, chances of survival of the patients who are diagnosed early are higher compared to the patients who are diagnosed when the cancer is at the advanced stages.
At American Oncology Institute (AOI), diagnosis of cancer is done by using some of the most sophisticated equipment available in India and the US. Similarly, the imaging and therapy systems used are the most advanced available in Hyderabad. Our diagnostic and cancer treatment equipment offer most effective and affordable ways for the treatment of cancer.